Fiscal year 2024
The information you are about to send us is used to create a certificate that is valid as an annual certificate issued in accordance with Article 6318/8 of the Royal Decree implementing the Income Tax Code 1992 (AR/CIR 92), with a view to granting the tax reduction for childcare.
This certificate, which only needs to be completed in one copy, must be made available to the administration by the debtor of the childcare expenses. The debtor of the costs is the person who is normally responsible for the childcare costs and who pays or bears them. The debtor mentioned in the certificate will only be entitled to the tax reduction if he/she is fiscally responsible for the children or if he/she receives half of the tax benefit for dependent children (fiscal co-parenthood), and if of course the other legal conditions are met.
The data mentioned on the certificate may only relate to the part of the year preceding the child's 14th birthday or the 21st birthday of a child with a severe disability.
We must submit a single file in digital format (XML) to the Tax Authorities by February 21st 2025. This file must compulsorily include all the data concerning the parent who has custody of the child and concerning the child itself.
The processing of this data is quite tedious (calculation of the number of courses (often over 2 separate academic years), the tariff that has been applied, the proportionality for young people in their fourteenth year, ...) and we are concentrating it in one go over a short period (after the end of the 2024 financial year).
ATTENTION, your request must be returned before 15 February 2025.
Once this deadline has passed, as we have to work with an external operator, we can no longer guarantee the handling of your request.
A manual post-delay handling will be charged at €30 with a delay of +/- 15 days. Late applications will only be accepted until June 1, 2025. After this date, no further processing will be guaranteed for the 2024 financial year.
The procedure to be followed
1. Take the student number transmitted by email.
2. Complete the 3 fields below strictly respecting the signs xx.xx.xx-xxx.xx and "send".
Please note that if an error persists in the very first stage of the form, either there is a syntax error in the N.I.S.S. codes or there is an error in the date of birth we have for your child. In this case, you need to send us an e-mail to correct the date.
3. Complete the form that follows (on a new page) this step with the utmost care (despite this insistence, around 1/5 of requests in 2023 included blocking errors).
4. When this developed form has been submitted (in 2 steps: confirmation + submission), you will receive an automatic email confirming submission.
5. If you find an error in the submitted form or if you do not receive any automatic email, this is not very serious but it is best to start the operation again from the first step.
6. In the current month of April 2025, we will send you a personalised mail with the tax return that we will have submitted electronically to the Administration (SPF Finance).
7. Logically, this declaration will automatically be included in the pre-filled boxes of your return in 2025 on 2024 income.