Hip-Hop dance for child & teenager

Courses taught by Justine & Luca
These 2 members of the Ronin collective, Belgian champions in choreographic competition in 2015, make up our power duo to teach Hip-Hop in our Studio.
All 2 have exciting lives shared notably in projects as dancers and/or choreographers, which is sometimes an incompatible project with teaching (which requires regular weekly attendance).
In our Studio, we want to encourage the life of an artist and favour this hybrid "dancers-teachers" aspect.
So that our students find consistency in the teaching team and so that the classes are "attached" to a single thread, our 2 teachers regularly agree and consult each other on the progress of the group and on the choreographies taught.
They teach on Mondays
TIMETABLE 2024 - 2025
HH 1 Hip-Hop +/- 7 to 10y. Beginners |
MO 17:00 VDK 1st floor |
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HH 2 Hip-Hop +/- 10 to 14y. Beginners |
MO 18:00 VDK 1st floor |
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HH 3 Hip-Hop +/- 12 to 18y. Intermediate |
MO 19:00 VDK 1st floor |
- | - | - | - | - |
From the year 2023-2024, we offer 2 types of subscription: semester and annual (the latter keeping the amounts of the year 2022-2023).
The Hip-Hop class (1 x per week) costs €190 per semester (+/- 17 classes) or €360 per year (+/- 34 classes).
The first semester covers the period from September to January (inclusive) and the second from February to June. The year starts in the first week of September and ends at the end of June.
If it is combined with other classes (ballet, breakdance, jazz, contemporary and/or cheerleading) in our school, the subscription varies according to the total number of classes and the semester or annual type:
- 1 class/week = 190€/semester (+/- 17 classes) or 360€/year (+/- 34 classes)
- 2 classes/week = 300€/semester (+/- 34 classes) or 590€/year (+/- 68 classes)
- 3 classes/week = 410€/semester (+/- 51 classes) or 790€/year (+/- 102 classes)
- 4 classes/week = 520€/semester (+/- 68 classes) or 960€/year (+/- 136 classes)
- Free pass = 580€/semester (unlimited) or 1.100€/year (unlimited)
When a deposit is requested in the response to the registration request, it is 60€ for the semester type subscription or 100€ for the annual type.
The Studio Dans'Harmonie bank account:
- BNP Paribas Fortis
- IBAN : BE98 0016 88 39 1393
- In all communication, please use preferably the structured communication (giro acceptance) that we give you by email or, failing that, please indicate the First Name, Last Name and level of the student.
We did not wish to set up a specific procedure for registration. Payment of the semester fee acts as proof of subscription.
We therefore ask that you contact us via the pre-registration form or visit in person. If required, and particularly in the case of first experiences at our school, your child can try out one or two classes before signing up for the term.
YEAR 2024-2025
- 1st semester from MO 02 September 2024 to FR 31 January 2025
- 2nd semester from SA 01 February 2025 to SA 21 June 2025
School holidays (the dates detailed are included in the holidays)
- Autumn holidays: from SA 19/10 to SU 03/11/2024
- Armistice: LU 11/11/2024
- Christmas holidays: from SU 22/12/2024 to SU 05/01/2025
- Carnival holidays: from SU 23/02 to SU 09/03/2025
- Easter Monday: MO 21/04/2025
- Spring holidays: SU 27/04 to SU 11/05/2025
- Whitsunday: MO 09/06/2025
- Summer holidays: from SU 22/06 to SU 07/09/2025
- Academic year 2025-2026: starts from MO 08/09/2025
There is no dress code for Hip-Hop as such.
This type of dance is often done in trainers and is more comfortable in loose fitting clothing (jogging bottoms/leggings).