"Dance is a way of life,
dance is the rhythm of life"

Samuel Lewis




Please follow the appropriate links and use ONLY the web forms for information and/or registrations.

Our other communication tools such as WhatsApp, SMS, social networks or phone calls are not intended for registrations.

Thank you for your understanding ;-)


Most of our adult courses are managed directly by our teachers (Enrolments, programmes, prices, etc.)

This includes classes in Argentine Tango, Cuban Salsa, Rock'n Roll, Zumba, Bachata, Kizomba, Oriental, Samba and even Yoga or Qi Gong.

A presentation page exists for each of these disciplines but there is a single link to the contact form with the teachers concerned

For classes aimed at adults in classical and/or contemporary dance

These classes are organised directly by our Studio and a specific form is to be used for information and/or pre-registration

A presentation page exists for each of these disciplines but there is a single link to the contact and/or pre-registration form FOR ADULTS with the Studio.

For classes aimed at children/teenagers in classical, contemporary, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Pom Pom dance

These classes are organised directly by our Studio and a specific form is to be used for information and/or pre-registration

A presentation page exists for each of these disciplines but there is a single link to the contact and/or pre-registration form FOR CHILDREN/TEEN with the Studio.

We also organise
dance camps

During school vacations (based on the calendar of French-speaking Belgian schools),
various camps run in our Studio.

They take place from Monday to Friday from 08:30-17:30 and each week covers a specific age and specific theme. Often we combine disciplines such as classical/world dance, classical/theatre, hip-hop/theatre, etc.

Read more on the subject on our dedicated page.

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+32 473 47 11 12 (Bernard)
+32 476 59 75 74 (Nathalie)